Why wont my website display my edits after I’ve saved the page?

We utilize caching plugins to increase the speed at which your website loads. This caching plugin saves static files to your website so that when a user visits the site they do not have to wait for all of the resources to load. When you are working on your website you can easily turn the cache plugin off to immediately see your changes or just delete the cached files. We do not recommend leaving the cache plugin off as it saves 3-4 seconds on the load time of your site making much faster.


To Turn Off The Caching Plugin

  1. In your left menu navigate to Settings->WP Super Cache
  2. Select Caching Off
  3. Click Update Status

Your caching is now turned off. Reload your website and you will see your new changes. This is an ideal option if you plan to do work on your website and do not want to keep deleting cache files. Make sure you turn Caching On (Recommended) again when you are done working on your website.


To Delete The Cached Files

  1. In your left menu navigate to Settings->WP Super Cache
  2. Select Contents in the top tab
  3. Click Delete Cache

This will delete your cached files. New cached files will save the next time you reload your website. This is an ideal option if you are only making a single change on the website.


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